Season 2 of the 2021 MUSE Creative Awards has honored our work on the website redesign for Metra, a large project recently completed and launched by Clarity Partners. Metra is a commuter rail system in the Chicago metropolitan area serving the city of Chicago and surrounding suburbs via the Union Pacific and BNSF Railways. The system operates 242 stations on 11 rail lines.
Metra’s new design is clean and simple with Level AAA compliance within Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The experience for mobile users has been completely transformed, servicing two-thirds of their ridership in a more efficient way. Service and schedule information is now readily accessible throughout most of the site, with updates in the works to improve the reliability of this information.
Learn more about the updates to the site and Metra’s plans going forward here.
About the MUSE Awards
The most effective communication tells a story that stands out above the noise of everyday living. MUSE Creative Awards celebrates unique talent for touching the hearts and minds of an audience – creating work that transforms, and design that inspires.
Stay tuned for an upcoming case study that will detail Clarity’s work on this project!