Clarity to Support IBM on City’s CANVAS Project

February 2, 2013 News

Chicago, IL – Clarity has partnered with IBM to support the Chicago Adjudication, Noticing, and Violation Administration System (CANVAS). CANVAS is designed to provide a complete set of functionality for each of the business component areas within the City...

Clarity Engaged to Write the City of Chicago’s CRM Modernization RFP

January 7, 2013 News

Chicago, IL – Clarity Partners, LLC (Clarity) was engaged by the City of Chicago, through its Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT), to write the request for proposal (RFP) for the Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) Modernization Software and Implementation...

Clarity to Develop Application and Webservices for City Permitting and GIS

January 5, 2013 News, Projects

Chicago, IL – Clarity has been selected by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) to develop an application along with webservices to improve the efficiency and accuracy of permit reviews that are impacted by location restrictions, or moratoriums....